Shelley uses her organisational knowledge to help businesses build healthy and strong organisational cultures and address organisational challenges such as:

  • Change and conflict management
  • Organisational development programs
  • Leadership and team development
  • Management and performance coaching
  • Workplace cultural assessments and investigations
  • Employee assistance programs (EAP)
  • Critical incident debriefing and trauma counselling


Shelley Rogers Psychologist uses a wide variety of interventions that include:


Not everyone who benefits from working with a psychologist needs therapy. Sometimes you just need help with self-awareness, goals clarification, planning and accountability. Coaching also provides you with a sounding board get feedback on ideas and approaches to improve take up by your intended audience.

Workplace Investigations

Conflicts in the workplace are costly and time-consuming. If poorly managed they can drive away good staff. To make good decisions about how to address the challenges, you need good information about what is really going on. With respectful engagement and sensitive enquiries, coupled with a review of the culture, it is possible to gather sufficient information to make informed decisions about what was really going on within the complexities of workplace conflicts. Let Shelley Rogers undertake the necessary exploration of the workplace conflict and she will support you with useful and effective recommendations to address the situation, and to make workplace changes to prevent it re-appearing.

Conflict Management

Conflict can be managed with the right skills and approach for the particular situations you confront. Let Shelley Rogers teach you how to approach different types of conflicts with greater capacity to get what you want and need AND keep your relationships intact as much as possible.

Team Facilitation

Often a team will find themselves with a challenge they have some knowledge about. What they need help with is gaining greater insight into other points of view to take them from where they are now to where they can think differently about the challenge at hand. Shelley Rogers Psychologist can help your team to listen better to each other, view the world with a wider lens, and ultimately to make decisions.

Training and Development

Ensuring your staff have the right skills for the job they are doing is critical. Fortunately, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills are learnable. In addition to FROM MATES TO MANAGER helping newly promoted managers manage their former peers, Shelley Rogers Psychologist also develops and delivers a variety of other skills development courses.

Shelley Rogers has delivered her From Mates to Manager workshop to hundreds of newly promoted managers both within Australia and across the world. This is designed for newly promoted manager to assist them manage their former peers after promotion.

On request Shelley can tailor the From Mates to Manager workshop to suit the unique needs of your organisation.


Find about all upcoming workshops and events.